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ASM Houston Seminar – Surface Engineering and Tribology – August 12, 2021

Posted by Hardide  |  
Mark Hanania, our Houston-based Director of Strategic Business will be presenting the Hardide coating technology at the ASM Houston Seminar – Surface Engineering and Tribology* on August 12, 2021 at Rice University Additive Manufacturing, Performance & Tribology (AMPT) Center, Houston.

Mark will present ‘Nanostructured Tungsten Carbide CVD Coating Protects Against Wear, Corrosion & Galling’. Speakers from industry and academia will present a broad range of surface engineering and tribology topics at the event which runs from 8:30am to 6:00pm. An optional lab tour is included. The seminar will provide eight Professional Development Hours. Full details and registration here.

*The ASM Seminar is subject to the health and safety protocols of the host, Rice University.  While mostly normal conditions are expected to apply in August, certain screening, masking, physical distancing, or other requirements may be in effect at the time of the Seminar.  Applicable details will be made available to registrants shortly before the event.