Hardide Coatings’ Technical Director, Dr Yuri Zhuk is to give an after-dinner presentation to the Houston chapter of ASM International, the world’s largest association of materials engineers and scientists on Tuesday 5 November, 2019.
Yuri will talk about how chemical vapor deposition (CVD) coatings have been used in the oil and gas industry for more than 15 years, protecting critical parts of down-hole tools, valves and pumps against wear, erosion and corrosion. He will focus on the new developments in CVD coating technology, including a new ultra-low temperature CVD coating for duplex and super-duplex steel that doesn’t affect its mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, coatings for steam turbine blades and Thermally Stable Polycrystalline (TSP) diamonds, screen mesh capabilities and key aerospace application developments.
The dinner will be held at The Forrest Club, 9959 Memorial Drive, Houston, TX77024. Open to ASM and Non-ASM members. More details and tickets available here.