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Technical Director to present CVD technology at Cranfield University

Posted by Hardide  |  
Dr Yuri Zhuk, Technical Director, is to present the Hardide chemical vapour deposition (CVD) technology at Cranfield University’s Surface Engineering and Coatings online course being held from 25-29 January 2021.

Dr Zhuk will present four one-hour sessions daily from Monday 25 – Thursday 28 January to educate participants on the CVD coating process and its applications. The course will provide an understanding of the role that surfaces play in materials behaviour; concentrating on optical applications of coating systems. It will introduce concepts of surface engineering and how surface engineering may be used to optimise a component’s performance. Participants will also learn suitable analytical techniques used to evaluate and characterise surfaces and thin samples. Registrations can be made here.

Dr Zhuk is a Visiting Fellow and a Recognised Teacher at the Cranfield University School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing.